3M Solar Window Film Solutions for Shore Homes & Beach Houses

Homes in coastal environments require special care and come with their own unique sets of challenges. Most beachfront and shore homes have large windows with fantastic views, but this allows harmful UV light and radiation through which fades furniture and flooring as well as increases indoor temperatures. Protect your home today with a window film solution from Eastern Solar Glass!

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The Many Benefits of Solar and Temperature Control Window Film for Coastal Residences

Rejects UV AND infrared

Rejects up to 99% of the UV light and up to 97% of the infrared light, providing benefits of energy savings, enhanced comfort, and preventable fading.

Natural Light

Customize the amount of natural light transmitted into your home.

Limit Fading

Extends the life of indoor furnishings by reducing the elements that cause fading.

Blocks Solar Radiation

Certain films will block up to 70% of solar radiation.

Cool Summers

Increases heat rejection; provides comfort & energy savings in summer.

Warm Winters

Keeps interiors warm during the colder months

Low Reflectivity

Specific films provide a low interior and exterior reflectivity while having an attractive look from inside or outside

NO Signal Interruption

Certain non-metalized solar film will not interfere with cell phone, wifi or other electronic signals

Lifetime Warranty

All of Eastern Solar Glass’ 3M window film installations are backed by a full lifetime warranty, protecting you in the event that anything needs to be adjusted in the future.

We pride ourselves on client satisfaction

World-Class Customer Service Backed By 40 Years Experience!

Check out what people have said about our professional window film installation services in New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania over the years.

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